Tuesday, July 1, 2008

I'm so proud!

I woke up this morning to see that Ringo was not on the bottom floor. I freaked out a bit, as Ringo has never gone to the second floor. I search the whole cage (under the bedding, in his tubes) only to find nothing. Eventually, I realized there was one place I hadn't looked- his pear-house on the second floor. I kind of doubted he would be in there, but when I looked, there he was! I'm so proud of little Ringo for making it to the second floor! :D

Monday, June 30, 2008

Ah, a new update! :D

Ringo went outside for the first time today! We put him in his newly found plastic ball and took him on a short walk halfway down the street. Ringo also met my buddy Matt today, and I was surprised that Ringo didn't bite him. Come to think of it, I don't think Ringo's ever bitten anybody! I got a cute pic of Ringo, too!
Apparently, Ringo likes Converse!
Okay, that's it for today. I'm off to sleep now. G'night!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Holding Ringo

Today, I took a stab at handling Ringo. If any of you have ever owned a hamster, you know how much they like to bite! Well, Ringo isn't like that at all. I held him for five minutes and all he did was sit there and look cute! If I can, I'll put on a pic later, but I didn't take a picture before, and now Ringo's asleep. (Even Ichigo bit if you woke him up!) For now, I'll leave Ringo alone, but I think he should be awake in a while. (Assuming he's an early bird like Ichigo) Ta ta!


Sunday, June 22, 2008


Hola, this is Kaley, and today I just brought home my second hamster. (My first one died about two weeks ago- RIP Ichigo!) I named the little guy Ringo. Ringo is a long-haired white male Syrian hamster. I can already tell how unique he's going to be! (He sleeps on his side!) Ringo is about 5 weeks at the moment, according to PetCo. I will update news about Ringo and any other pet I may have here. Sometimes, I may talk about my life, but when I do, it will either be very important or just plain emo. So, thanks for reading this!